
Questions about registration? Please e-mail the PRMHA Registrar at:
Athletics 4 Kids
They will provide funding for sports for families whose annual income is under $40,000 a year. They will not fund dance and they have different thresholds for different sports and pay out quarterly directly to the organization. The application requires a sponsorship form signed by a social worker, doctor, school principal etc. and generally a phone call from the organization to the sponsor. They will fund one sport a year per child. Applications can be done online.
They base their funding on the low-income index. They will fund up to $300 a season for fees or gear. They will fund one sport a year per child. Applications can be done online.
Kids Sport
KidSport BC - pdf form to fill out
Kid Sport will fund up to $400 per year per child. This does not include equipment costs. Sport activities must be affiliated with the member sport organizations of Sport BC and demonstrate a sustained sport experience (a season of sport led by a qualified coach) for a minimum of 6 weeks (no longer than 8) and include at least one session per week. They use the Statistics Canada Low Income Guideline to determine eligibility. Kids from Powell River apply to the Provincial fund as we don’t have a regional fund.
Hockey Canada Assist Fund
The Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund is open to applicants (as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency) who currently meet the LICO (low income cutoff) as established by Stats Canada. Applicants must be registering a child with a Hockey Canada-sanctioned local hockey association. Applications open August 1st.
Grindstone Awards
A female specific award given based on financial need. Can cover fees and/or equipment.
RISE Grants
The RISE Grants will support ALL Children and Youth in and out of Care, who wish to participate in a sport, physical activity, recreation, and/or cultural program opportunity.
If you can answer YES to the following, PLEASE APPLY:
-I currently live in British Columbia
-I am Under 27 years of age. (Born in 1996 or later as of December 31, 2022)
-I am/was formally enrolled in one of the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development or Delegated Aboriginal Agency Legal Status, or the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Child in Home of Relative program *
I will use the funding to support my participation in sport, physical activity, recreation and/or cultural programs.

Powell River Minor Hockey
P.O Box 31
Powell River, BC V8A 4Z5